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Free Piano Collection For NI Kontakt 5 Released By Bigcat Instruments

Salamander Piano by Bigcat Instruments.

Salamander Piano by Bigcat Instruments.

Bigcat Instruments has released Bigcat Piano Collection, a bundle of six free piano sample libraries for the Kontakt 5 sampler by Native Instruments.

Here are six bigcat Instruments pianos for Kontakt 5. The showpieces of the collection are mid-sized to baby Grands from each of the three major piano makers, Yamaha, Steinway and Baldwin. Also included are a Prepared Piano, a Honky-Tonk and an Intimate Piano.

Big Piano Collection is available for free download via Bigcat Instruments. The sample packs are offered as individual downloads in NKI format for NI Kontakt 5.

One instrument from this freebie collection was already featured on BPB. City Piano was released by Bigcat Instruments back in February and it is now a part of this larger free bundle.

Also read: Free Piano Sample Libraries!

The freebie piano bundle features Yamaha, Steinway and Baldwin pianos, with an additional prepared piano sample library, an intimate piano sample pack, and a honky-tonk piano instrument library. These instruments will work for 15 minutes in the freeware Kontakt Player, however you will need the full version of Kontakt 5 in order to use them without any limitations.

The Bigcat Piano Collection is now included in our round-up of the best free piano sample libraries which is linked above. Definitely take a look at that article if you’re looking for more free piano samples for your studio. Over a dozen free sample libraries are listed, with a bonus section featuring electric and toy piano sample packs.

Audio Demo

Check out the Salamander Piano audio demo:


Bigcat Piano Collection

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About Author

Tomislav is a content creator and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief here at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. I dowloaded it but I cant open it on Reaper, is it because of the format? (.nki) is there something I have to install or change?
    I’m a begginer with this stuff so I apreciate anything you could tell me.

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