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UJAM Finisher NEO Review


UJAM Instruments has launched Finisher NEO, a no-frills sound design multi-effect in VST, AU, and AAX plugin formats for digital audio workstations on PC and Mac.

Finisher NEO is the extended and far more powerful version of Finisher Micro, a freeware plugin that was released in December last year. Finisher Micro was featured as one of the best free VST plugins of 2019 on our website. If you liked UJAM’s latest freeware offering, the newly released Finisher NEO is a worthwhile upgrade.

What you’re getting with Finisher NEO is a set of 27 effect algorithms that span across a wide palette of multi-effect chains. The included effect algorithms cover everything from huge reverbs and chorusing to multi-band distortion, pitch-shifting, multi-mode filters, and more. The twist, though, is that these complex multi-effects are housed in a streamlined user interface with only three control knobs. Each knob changes the tone and the character of the active effect quite dramatically while keeping the complex FX parameters under the hood and out of the user’s sight.

The interface has three main sections: the preset manager at the top, the FX browser in the middle, and the performance controls that are located at the bottom. For a brief overview of the plugin and its features, check out our exclusive first-look video embedded above.

50 Multi-Effects Ready To Go

Finisher NEO offers five different multi-effect categories: Spread, Crush, Swirl, Shape, and Boost. Each category holds ten different multi-effect chains (referred to as modes) that are aimed at a specific purpose or sonic flavor. For example, the Spread category features reverb and delay effects, whereas the Boost category provides a selection of FX chains intended for the final polish and mastering-type processing.

The different FX modes come with descriptive names, so finding the right kind of multi-effect is fairly easy. In most instances, UJAM used musical labels like Big Vibrato, Tremolo Shaper, or Synth Wah. There are also a few effects that come with more imaginative names like Jetplane and Space Grinder. In all cases, though, it’s easy to figure out what each of the effect modes does as soon as you fire it up and run some sounds through it.

And running sounds through these effects is fun! The cool thing about Finisher NEO is that it features a series of highly complex multi-effects that would otherwise take time to build from the ground up. When you load, say, one of the reverb effect modes in Finisher NEO, you can clearly hear that there is some chorusing, saturation, and EQ being applied to the audio signal as well. Most music producers will have their favorite effect chains stored as presets in their DAW. With Finisher NEO, you’re getting a pack of 50 multi-FX chains designed for creative use.

Three Knobs To Rule Them All

Long-time BPB readers know that I’m a big fan of one-knob FX plugins. It’s one of the reasons why I loved Finisher Micro so much. Finisher NEO comes with three controls in total, but it’s equally easy to use as most single-knob effects.

The main control knob, labeled Effect and located in the middle of the user interface, is used to control the most important parameters of the loaded FX mode. It is the first control you’ll reach for to fine-tune the effect to your liking. Its function depends on the nature of the loaded effect. In some cases, the Effect knob is used to control the filter cutoff. Change the active FX mode and you’ll find that it controls the reverb size or even multiple parameters simultaneously. With some of the available FX modes, dragging the Effect knob from 0% to 100% results in dramatic build-ups, filter sweeps and swooshes that would otherwise require multiple plugins and automation lanes.

The two other knobs are used to adjust other FX parameters that are specific to the active effect mode. Depending on the preset, these two knobs control the dry/wet level, distortion gain, reverb tone, modulation speed, and more. The assigned parameter is always labeled below the knob to avoid any confusion.

Finisher Micro Or NEO – It’s Your Call!

Everything that was good about Finisher Micro was taken to the next level (and then some) with Finisher NEO. There are more effects to play with and the plugin provides more control over each effect without slowing down the workflow. If you’re a music producer who likes experimenting with multi-effects or a sound designer in need of instant inspiration, this type of plugin will surely be useful.

Finisher NEO is normally priced at €99 but you can get it for €69 during the intro sale. Before making the decision on whether to complete the purchase or not, check out the free 30-day trial version or simply download the Finisher Micro plugin which is completely free to use.

More info: UJAM Finisher NEO (€99 full price, €69 intro offer)

UJAM Finisher NEO Review


Finisher NEO is a creative sound design utility optimized for a fast workflow. With 50 different FX modes and a simple control scheme, it is great for beginners and experienced sound designers alike.

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About Author

Tomislav is a content creator and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief here at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. UJAM’s instruments are beautifully made. Not only are they ultra-intuitive, they’re also VERY fun to play (they definitely earned their name). Nice to see they’ve expanded into simple effect things. I’ve been using the freeware version (Finisher MICRO) and its effects are incredible and clean, not to mention its stellar interface. I’ll definitely be saving up some money for Finisher NEO!

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