TAL-NoiseMaker is a freeware virtual analog synthesizer developed by Togu Audio Line.
TAL-NoiseMaker is a free synthesizer in VST and AU plugin formats for digital audio workstations on PC and Mac. The plugin features dual oscillators, a multi-mode filter, two LFO modules, and a set of built-in effects. It is included in BPB’s list of the best freeware synthesizer VST plugins.
In addition to the main ADSR envelope, TAL-NoiseMaker features a freely editable envelope which can be assigned as a modulation source for various parameters. The custom envelope can be used to create wobble bass sounds with filter automation, risers, complex pitch modulation, and other interesting sounds.
TAL-NoiseMaker also features a great selection of built-in effects, including a reverb module, a delay, a bitcrusher, and Juno-style dual chorus. Thanks to its relatively advanced synthesis engine, TAL-NoiseMaker can be used to generate both classic analog sounds and more complex patches for use in modern electronic music.
- 3 Oscillators.
- Osc 1, +- 24 semitones, fine tune, phase control (saw, pulse, noise).
- Osc 2, +- 24 semitones, fine tune, phase control (saw, rectangle, triangle, sine).
- Sub Osc (rectangle).
- Osc 1 PM for pulse waveform.
- Osc 2 FM controlled by Osc 1.
- Osc 1 & Osc 2 sync to sub osc (saw, pulse, rectangle, triangle(bipolar sync)).
- Adjustable master tune and transpose.
- Up to 6 voices.
- Portamento in mono and poly mode (off, auto, on).
- Ring modulation.
- Self resonating 4x oversampled filters.
- 2xADSR envelopes.
- 2 LFO’s with different running modes: free, sync to host, triggered by note.
- Modulates filter, osc 1, osc 2, fm, pw, lfo rate, panorama and volume.
- Sine, triangle, saw square, s&h, noise.
- Positive and negative modulation.
- Phase control.
- Detune.
- Juno chorus.
- Reverb, delay, bitcrusher effects.
- Midi learn.
- Panic button.
- 256 presets.
TAL-NoiseMaker (freeware)
Does it leave a lesser CPU mark? :)
onAh, I had to rush out right after publishing the post. Will compare the CPU hit and report later tonight! :]
onAnyone got it working with FXPansion Vst to RTAS wrapper? tried both 32bit and 64 bit with no succsess… (i’m on windows 7 Ultimate 64bit)
Ok so I’ve compared the two versions and noticed no significant difference in the amount of CPU used. Version 2 hits 1% higher on several patches, but then again it hits 1% less on some others.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the tools needed to check that one out. Hope someone turns up with an answer.
Anyway, still haven’t had the time to play with the new envelope, but this drop-down user interface is freaking sweet!