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Prime Studio Releases Free Charly Summing Amp VST/AU Plugin


Prime Studio has introduced Charly, a free (email subscription required) virtual summing amplifier effect available in VST and AU plugin formats for PC and Mac based host applications.

Charly was released on January 1st this year, but it was very quietly announced. I stumbled upon the news about the plugin’s release completely by accident in a Gearslutz forum thread. Charly is still available as a freebie on Prime Studio’s website, so long as you sign up to their mailing list and confirm your subscription (more info below).

The plugin is based on Acustica Audio’s innovative Acqua hardware sampling technology, which is quite a significant step up from capturing static impulse responses. Acqua Engine can be used to reproduce the way in which hardware devices respond to the audio signal at different input volumes, leading to a highly detail emulation of the actual hardware. Unfortunately, there’s no info about which particular device was captured while developing Charly.

In practice, Charly is a very subtle effect, even if you boost the gain of the audio signal on the input so that the plugin’s loudness meter is always in red. Bear in mind, though, that I don’t have any experience with hardware summing amplifiers, so I can’t really compare Charly’s somewhat underwhelming (at least for me) performance to the real thing. What’s slightly confusing for me is that, as far as I know, summing amplifiers are supposed to be able to sum multiple stereo pairs into one, but you can’t do this with Charly since it only has one stereo input. Perhaps the plugin will show its true colors when it’s added to multiple tracks throughout the mix, but I still haven’t tested this theory. Anyways, in case you test the plugin on your computer, please let me know what you think in the comments section below. I’d love to hear your opinion about it!

Speaking of which, here’s how to download your free copy of Charly. First, visit the Prime Studio website linked below and wait for the email subscription popup to appear. Now, submit your email address and confirm your subscription to Prime Studio’s newsletter. After verifying your email, you will receive another message in which you should enter your email address once again in order to finally receive the download link. The downloaded archive contains four different installers, two for Mac and two for PC.


Charly is available for free download via Prime Studio (291 MB download size, ZIP archive containing EXE installer, 32-bit & 64-bit VST/AU plugin format for Windows & Mac OS).

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About Author

Tomislav is a content creator and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief here at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. Well, in Reaper I kinda managed to make it sum multiple sources with plugin routing matrix: http://imgur.com/OcqoCbt
    Also it is definitely changes peaks dynamics and when it goes to red there’s audible transistor-like distortion. But yes, it is very subtle.

  2. Entering my email id and name after confirming my email makes me wonder if this is a spammer. Most plugins are small, this download was 291 MB zipped. I am left thinking this isn’t worth having to cleanup my computer to remove any malware.

  3. Installed it, but the dll is not found in the specified path in the manual page,as according to the manual you should be able to choose the installation path but thats not really the case,it says installation is succesfull but does not allow me to choose an installation path.

  4. Marco Raaphorst


    Interesting plugin. Try to send some white noise through it and you will hear what it does with the sound :) I also use a sinewave for testing. Feels like it adds some random white noise on input. Or maybe it’s a little colored. Couldn’t detect saturation peaks, only random noise.

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