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REVIEW + 2 FREE COPIES Of Cymbal Rolls By Loops De La Crème! (CLOSED)


Cymbal Rolls is a rather unique sample-based virtual instrument by Loops de la Crème, offering an easy way to create natural sounding cymbal swells (and much more than that, as you’ll see in the review). We’ll take a closer look at this original sample library and give away two free copies which were kindly provided by Loops de la Crème. BPB readers will also get a 20% discount if they purchase the library before January 1st, 2015!

Anyone who has ever tried to create a natural sounding cymbal swell using samples pretty much knows how tricky the task can be. If you use a pre-recorded cymbal roll sample, you can’t really control the dynamics except for adding a bit of fade in or fade out to smooth out the recording. If you try to perform the cymbal roll using your MIDI keyboard or a piano roll, then quite a bit of MIDI wizardry is required in order to make it sound right and avoid the nasty “machine gun” effect.

Cymbal Rolls puts the magic stick right into your hands and turns this dreadful task into a piece of cake. Basically, all you need to do to perform the perfect cymbal roll is to hold a note use the mod wheel to control the dynamics of the roll. Push the button, roll the wheel, et voilà! As you turn the mod wheel up, the dynamics will increase as if you’re hitting the cymbal with more power.

The basic concept is great and things only get better as you dig deeper into what Cymbal Rolls has to offer. The library contains a collection of 278 samples from 10 different cymbals. The cymbals have been meticulously sampled with up to 34 velocity layers. Apart from the rolls, you can use the instrument to perform all other cymbal hits, crashes, splashes, chokes, etc.

But the amazing thing is that the instrument is also capable of generating some amazing build-up sound effects. You can get some great sounding risers and tension builders by morphing between two different cymbals during a roll, or changing the pitch of the sample as the dynamics increase. The custom NI Kontakt interface also features a useful SFX section which helps to get even more realistic (or more unrealistic, if you prefer) sounding results. Most of these features are showcased in the official demo video below, however the library can do even more if you experiment with it a bit.

Cymbal Rolls is currently priced at €42 and you can purchase it via Loops de la Crème. Use the coupon code ZBCEJWRN or click here to get a 20% discount on the list price. The discount has been kindly provided by Loops de la Crème for BPB readers and they are also giving away two free copies of the library to you guys. Scroll down for more info about the giveaway!

Demo Video

Check out the Cymbal Rolls demo video:

The Giveaway

To enter the giveaway for a chance to win a free copy of the Cymbal Rolls sample library, simply leave a comment in the comments section below. We have two free copies available, kindly provided for you guys by Loops de la Crème!

The giveaway ends at 23:59 GMT on Friday, December 12th. The two winners will be picked using a random number generator and announced on this page on Saturday (your number corresponds to the number of your comment on this page, so if you leave the third comment your number in the draw will be #3). Please use a real email address, so that we can reach you if you win a prize!

Good luck everyone and thanks for reading BPB!

The winners are:

  • horneusz (comment #69)
  • Dominik (comment #76)

Congratulations! :)

Thanks everyone for joining in! We will have TONS of giveaways in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned!

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About Author

Tomislav is a content creator and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief here at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. First time at BPB, nice site with nice giveaway contests.
    Hope I’ll get free copy.
    The results will show am I lucky or not.

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