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Impact Soundworks Huge 2014 Holiday Sale And A FREE Copy Of Shreddage 2! (CLOSED)


Impact Soundworks 2014 Holiday Sale.

Impact Soundworks has launched the 2014 Holiday Sale, offering up to 50% discounts on all of their products. They are also giving away a FREE copy of their amazing Shreddage 2 sound library to one lucky BPB reader!

The sale includes all of the currently available Impact Soundworks products, as well as their instrument bundles. To check out the discounted prices and find your best bargain, visit the official 2014 Holiday Sale page.

The prices have been discounted automatically in the online shop, so there’s no need to use additional discount codes or anything like that. Simply add a product to your shopping cart and continue to checkout to finish your purchase. The discounts range from 20% to 50% and you can make additional savings if you purchase a bundle.

These guys have tons of great products and quite a few of them are currently available at some real bargain prices. For example, the Groove Bias drum sample library can be bought for only $25 and it features three different funk drum kits which have been deeply sampled using high end recording gear. Another great deal is the Shreddage Bass library which currently goes for $34 and features a highly flexible DI bass guitar tone which can be used in various different genres.

Impact Soundworks have announced that the sale will end on December 25th and that this will probably be the last sale from them in quite a while. So, if you’ve been keeping an eye on some of their products, this is definitely the perfect time to take action!

The Giveaway

Sales are great, but giveaways are even better. And this particular giveaway gives you the opportunity to win a FREE copy of the Shreddage 2 sample library which has been kindly provided by Impact Soundworks. This amazing electric guitar virtual instrument is priced at $99 during the sale period.

It is a great sounding guitar instrument for use in rock in metal, featuring up to eight round robins per articulation. All frets on all strings have been sampled and the library features both the single notes and power chords!

To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment below. Please use your real email address (it will only be used to contact you if you win the prize) and don’t post multiple comments. Also, please use the main comment form and don’t respond to other people’s comments.

The winner will be picked using a random number generator at 23:59 GMT on December 24th, 2014. Your comment works as your number in the draw (if you leave the tenth comment on this page, your number in the draw is #10). The winner will be announced on this page!

Good luck everyone and thanks for reading BPB!

The giveaway is now closed!

The winner is:

  • BB (comment #130)

Congratulations! :)

Thanks everyone who joined in and thanks once again to Impact Soundworks for providing such an awesome prize! There are several really special goodies coming up for all of you this week on BPB, so stay tuned!

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About Author

Tomislav is a content creator and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief here at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. I have the Kazakh Dombra, which is an awesome library. I’m sure whoever wins Shreddage will have a wonderful addition to their sample library.

  2. I bought the Impact: Everything bundle earlier so I don’t need Shreddage 2. Just leaving a comment to say Shreddage 2 is arguably one of the best guitar libraries money can buy and if you don’t win this raffle, I highly recommending picking it up before the 21st, last day of the sale. Comes with a guitar amp sim. The Shreddage bundle is an even better deal. Check out my death metal song on YouTube (click on my name). Guitars done with Shreddage 2, bass with Shreddage Bass. More stuff coming.
    Peace! :) currently having some dumb fun with their Koto Nation instrument.

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