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OJD Is An Open-Source OCD Guitar Pedal Emulation By Schrammel


Schrammel released OJD, a free (open-source) emulation of the Fulltone OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Drive) overdrive pedal.

OJD is an open-source audio effect that simulates the Fulltone OCD overdrive guitar pedal. The software is available in VST3 and AU plugin formats for digital audio workstations on PC and Mac. Support for the AAX plugin format is coming soon.

Like the original OCD overdrive pedal, the OJD plugin features three knobs, two filter control switches, and a bypass switch. The three knobs are used to control the input gain, drive, and tone parameters.

The distortion you’ll get from OJD is best-described as analog overdrive. I can’t compare it to the original OCD pedal, but Schrammel’s free OJD plugin is easy to recommend if you need that classic overdriven guitar sound.

Of course, be sure to pair the OJD plugin with a virtual guitar amp and a guitar cabinet. One freeware guitar amp worth checking out is the recently released Swanky Amp plugin by Resonant DSP.

It’s worth noting that Janos, the developer behind Schrammel (and OJD), also works as a developer at Sonible. The company released several highly successful plugins lately, including the smart:EQ+ plugin, which we reviewed not long ago. Also, their Sonible Balancer plugin (made in collaboration with Focusrite) is free for a limited time only.

To download your free copy of OJD, visit the product page on Schrammel’s website and click one of the download buttons (depending on your operating system). You don’t need to sign up or register a user account.

The download contains an EXE installer that will extract the necessary plugin files to your hard drive. At the time of writing this article, OJD is available in VST3 and AU plugin formats (AAX support coming soon).

More info: Schrammel OJD (18.4 MB download size, EXE installer, 32-bit & 64-bit VST3/AU plugin format for Windows & macOS)

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About Author

Tomislav is a content creator and sound designer from Belgrade, Serbia. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief here at Bedroom Producers Blog.


  1. Awesome! The only other emulation of this pedal I’ve seen is the one in Amplitube so this is a really welcome freebie. Nice to see that he uses grey-box modeling instead of white-box also!

  2. Looks good but Windows detected this as a virus lol?

    Also I have to restart my computer to install this? What a joke man

    • it’s common that plugin installers give false positives, including even BPB Dirty Filter and Vital. I’m 99.999999% it’s perfectly safe to use.

    • Hey Ron, Janos here, the developer of the plugin.
      Let me explain what you are seeing here: In order to make Windows believe that I’m one of the good guys, my software product has to be code signed by a trusted certificate. Such a certificate costs me a few hundred euros per year, which is quite a lot for a non-profit project, so I decided to not code sign the Windows installer. The macOS installer is signed on the other hand, simply because I have a suitable apple signing certificate anyway ;)

      But luckily you can inspect all the source code of both the plugin and the installer in my public GitHub repository: https://github.com/JanosGit/Schrammel_OJD

      There you can
      – Report bugs as your Windows installer needing a restart – this shouldn’t be the case
      – Download the source code and build the plugin from source yourself, all with 100% free tools available from Microsoft. This way you can ensure that you didn’t download a virus
      – Of course leave a star to show your support for this project which I create for the community in my free time

      I hope you are having fun trying out the OJD and find it helpful to create some great music!

      Cheers Janos / Schrammel

      • Hi Schrammel, How are you sir?

        I was little annoyed initially about my computer’s safety and the fact that I had to restart my computer, although after verification and investigation however, I can say that your plug-in has a COOL BIT CRUSHING quality sound to it and I would like to thank you for creating it for free for us personally.

        It works well before an amp and after in some cases and the GUI is solid and saving, naming presets & undo / redo commands works flawlessly.

        Well done and thank you for your creation!

        Re: The certificate, Yes that is allot of money for nothing so I understand why my Windows 10 64 bit computer flagged it is a threat!

        Keep on making great plug-ins man. I love All guitar related plug-ins!


    • I personally dont care about this virus alerts because they are on ascending curve and vst developers must be fools to start put the viruses there all of them at one time – Just like on purpouse of Antivirus companies so : D LOL. to be more important.

  3. “if the OJD reminds you of a pedal built by someone who got quite unpopular because of racist posts regarding the #blacklivesmatter movement…”


      • I guess it depends on your definition of “racist”. The Fulltone guy made comments against looting and destroying small businesses. He didn’t say anything racist whatsoever.

        To be talking about it 6 months later in this way (on a product page no less) is, frankly, pathetic and deserving of a yawn.

  4. Bruno de Souza Lino


    I’m less concerned with Mike Fuller making comments on BLM, but rather that he hates people that makes their own version of his pedals and has gone after them in the past. This is the reason why some of his pedals are patented, like the Plimsoul. He wasn’t granted a patent on the OCD yet, but here lies the question:

    Which version of the OCD are you emulating? There’s at least 4 versions and they all sound different.

    • Well, I’m not sure if I stated anywhere public that this is an emulation of the Fulltone OCD, it’s just the communities interpretation of things… :D

      That being said, you might find pictures of me on my social media channels developing the plugin with an OCD v1.4 on my desk… ;)

  5. The funny thing is, I dont memory recognize Sonible in those huge number of companies with similar names but i was able to recognize -because of that clean vector design and unusual name of 3 big letters- this one. I hope you dont change this in future dvelopment – or you get lost.

  6. To everyone criticizing my comment regarding Mike Fuller on my website: First of all I’m always thankful for feedback, not only on the technical side of things but also everything else.

    First of all I wanted to point out that Schrammel is no company. It’s an open source project without any attempt to make money from it but with the attempt to say thank you to the open source software community by giving something back and teaching newcomers about audio coding. It’s my personal project at this time with a friend of mine contributing by doing the graphics design. I’m always open for other programers to contribute to the project to transform this more towards a community driven thing. So maybe have that in mind when asking for features or criticizing my marketing texts or whatever ;)

    Now let me comment on a few statements above:
    – “To be talking about it 6 months later in this way (on a product page no less) is, frankly, pathetic and deserving of a yawn”. Well yes, this Project has been around for a while now. When I sent the first version out to some beta testers from a closed german guitar pedal board Facebook group this topic was discussed quite a lot and I got a lot of criticism on modeling a Fulltone pedal at that time. I felt the need to add a statement on that and haven’t removed it since then. Not sure when it’s the right time to file this under not relevant anymore – I think some topics are relevant for some longer time than 6 months
    – “He didn’t say anything racist whatsoever”. Yes, I got that feedback a few times now and actually I think you are right. This was written quickly back then and especially such a statement should be a bit more differentiated. I might have failed with that and indeed, the term racist should be used with caution. I’m going to rephrase that statement soon. Still I won’t stop telling you my wish for a free and open society and my support for e.g. blm.
    – “I […] will not support Sonible because you are associated with them”. Well, please keep in mind that I’m one of currently nine software developers working at sonible, I’m not one of the founders of that company so this is my personal opinion. Do you know the political views behind all the developers working at all those plugin companies out there? I guess not. So please judge sonible products based on if they are valuable tools for your daily studio workflow or not and maybe based on public statements of the company.
    – “I honestly hope you fail at whatever you do”. Wow tough words. This is not the way I’m used to talk with people who’s opinions I criticize. I want to invite you to write me an e-mail to [email protected] to discuss the topic in a friendly and open minded way. Who knows, maybe this can become a positive experience for both of us?

    Last but not least: Thank you for all your support! I’m super happy that my plugin suddenly pops out somewhere on the internet like here without having done any kind of advertisement myself besides posting on my small instagram page from times to times. I usually only find out about this because I suddenly see download counts jumping up like crazy in little time and then trying to google where my plugin was discussed :D

    • Thank you for going out of your way to underline specifically that you value black lives, especially in a situation that seems kind of complex here. You could have just made the plugin and said nothing and I think you realized that in doing so you would still be saying something and I respect that.

      Will have to check the plugin out!

  7. Tomislav Zlatic


    I removed a few comments that contained direct insults towards other BPB readers. Please keep in mind that EVERY single comment containing insults and hate speech will be instantly removed.

    • You linked directly to a webpage that is using hate speech to attack someone else without any evidence.

      Maybe you should delete your blog?

      I know I am.

      Bye hate peddler.

      • Tomislav Zlatic


        The article is linked to a page where you can download a free plugin for your DAW. Insults are not allowed in our comments section. End of discussion.

    • Exactly. It’s a shame because music usually brings people together, politics usually does the opposite.

      Thanks to the developer for offering his work for free though. Looking forward to trying this out.

    • Tomislav Zlatic


      Totally. Thankfully, the comments section at BPB is all about music production and positive vibes most of the time.

  8. Thank you Schrammel and please continue your series of blog posts about DSP and analogue modelling. I find this stuff very intriguing, even when I’m not a coder myself (yet).

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