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vPlayer 3 Is A FREE VST/AU Plugin Host By Digital Brain Instruments


Digital Brain Instruments releases vPlayer 3: A VST/AU host for macOS and Windows.

vPlayer 3 is a standalone application that allows you to test VST/AU instruments quickly, without needing a DAW.

There are a few reasons you might want to use vPlayer 3 to play your virtual instruments. For a start, if an idea comes to you, and you want to hear how it sounds on a specific without the hassle of loading a new DAW project. Obviously, this applies to the many virtual instruments that don’t have standalone functionality.

Beyond saving a bit of time, it’s also nice to keep things as simple as possible if all you want to do is jam a little. Especially if jamming with friends or using more than one instrument/controller, a simple host is often far less tedious than your DAW.

Performing live is another situation where many people want to access virtual instruments, but not necessarily through their DAW. That’s why things like Apple Mainstage and Audioström LiveProfessor are so popular.

vPlayer 3 allows up to four VST/AU instruments at one time, which is great for jamming (or throwing on a cape and pretending you’re Rick Wakeman, which I’ve never done). You can assign each of the four instruments to a different controller.

Along with a Master EQ, you can also add one VST/AU effect per instrument. You can even record up to 192kHz, so it’s promising for capturing ideas quickly.

vPlayer 3 is the newest version of the straightforward host application from Digital Brain Instruments. This release comes with some significant improvements over previous versions.

It highlights an improved audio engine, improved preset system, and an improved recording system.

There’s also enhanced compatibility with support for VST3 and Apple M1.

Everything about a product like this seems promising. You get a streamlined workflow with access to everything you need at the time. If there is a downside, in theory, some of these host products can be a bit buggy and not function as smoothly as they should.

I can’t say that applies to vPlayer 3 yet; time will tell. But, a product like this that does exactly what it’s meant to do and does it for free could be very cool!

Download: vPlayer 3


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About Author

James is a musician and writer from Scotland. An avid synth fan, sound designer, and coffee drinker. Sometimes found wandering around Europe with an MPC in hand.


  1. I use Kushview Element for the task of installing and testing both instruments and effects plugins, and it is spot on for that task. Low overhead and easy to save various setups for later.

  2. Version 3 is not working on my Windows 10. Perhaps I’m missing some Visual +++ or something? Version 2 is still working fine though.

    • @Wing: Read the “IMPORTANT For Windows Users.pdf” document inside the downloaded .rar file. It will point you to the Microsoft page where you can download a redistributables installer, that should install the required/missing runtime library (dll) in your Windows 10 system.

  3. Hermes Alves de Oliveira


    Ola ! caros eu sou inesperiente em questão de Plugins e Vst e possuo um Vst famoso que adquiri por serca de um ano e meio mais oumenos excelente por sinal gostei de mais ! Confesso o Arturia . pois bem , gostaria de ir mais além ai Entäo , esta a minha duvida o Vst gratuito tem a mesma confiabilidade e segurança de um Vst de nome ? o gratuito é sempre bom sem duvidas. mais o desempenho e qualidade são confiaveis ? pois qurendo ou não existem valores agregados a o produto adquirido por você não deixa de ser uma responsabilidade por se tratar de uma ferramenta de produto via internet e ai ?

    • Sorte sua encontrar um leitor em português, hein.

      Sempre vai depender do que você adquire, mas você consegue achar muita coisa boa gratuita, seja pra efeitos, sintetizadores e utilidades; é só navegar esse blog e ver o tanto de qualidade que se encontra. Meu setup aqui é 100% gratuito, fora o DAW em si.
      Pra bibliotecas de samples é que fica um pouco mais difícil; você ainda consegue achar muitas coisas boas gratuitas, mas se você quer, sei lá, produzir trilhas sonoras de filmes profissionais, você não vai escapar do Kontakt. Orquestra, por exemplo, ainda é um negócio que é limitado no universo freeware.

    • There are no rules. Free or commercial, you’ll find a whole spectrum of support and quality. Read websites and forums when you find something that tickles your interest. Don’t believe anything you read either.

  4. Literally does nothing. Recognises my controller, let’s me load a vst, but that’s it. VST UI doesn’t load and there’s no sound at all.

    Hilariously even the X button to close programs is greyed out, so you can’t even close this app unless you go into the menu/CTRL+Q. Straight up amateur hour.

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